Monday, December 15, 2008

The Best Homemade Rolls- EVER!

This is Stephanie Waite's recipe that I got off of her blog.
These rolls were so good and pretty simple to make.
This will be a recipe to go in the "favorites" recipe box!
1 large carton of sour cream (2 Cups)
1/4 Cup shortening
Heat them together in a little pan, but don't boil.
Place in mixing bowl and stir in:
1 Cup sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. salt
2 eggs, well beaten
Take 2 pkgs. dry, fast rising yeast and dissolve in 1 cup of lukewarm water. Then mix with other ingredients in large bowl. Add 7 1/2 cups flour (i had to use almost 8 cups), and knead.
Cover the bowl with aluminum foil and place a dishtowel over it. Place bowl and contents, well covered, in a refrigerator overnight and until the dough has doubled in bulk. Make rolls and place in roll pans, cover with dishtowel and let raise for about 3-4 hours.
I made them into knots and into crescents.
How to make knots: roll a small handful of dough out 12 inches, then tie once into a knot.
crescents: cut the dough into 4 equal parts and then roll it out into a 16 inch circle. Then use the pizza cutter to cut the circle into 16 even triangles. Roll them up like crescent rolls.
-Butter the rolls with melted butter and a pastry brush after they have cooked in the oven.

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